
The Best Air Fryer and Griddle Breakfast recipe. ( 30$ under 30mins!)

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Love a nice affordable breakfast for eight of your friends on a beautiful morning? There nothing else to worry when you have

The Best Air Fryer and Griddle Breakfast recipe. ( 30$ under 30mins!)

Difficulty: Beginner Prep Time 5 min Cook Time 20 min Rest Time 5 min Total Time 30 mins
Cooking Temp: 400  °F Servings: 8 Estimated Cost: 27 Calories: 740 kcal
Best Season: Suitable throughout the year


You may have thought because there isn't a stove that you wouldn't have been able to make a wonderful breakfast for a group of eight.  With the air fryer and griddle we thought it would be more efficient and safe . Also shortening your cooking time for an affordable price.



  1. Sample Look


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Keywords: homemade, breakfast,

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